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The Station at Potomac Yard

Alexandria, VA

Project Details:

ROA was an integral part of this innovative public/private collaboration, which combines an Alexandria City fire station, ground floor retail, and a community meeting space with workforce, affordable housing on the upper four levels and below grade parking. The placement of workforce and affordable housing above another city facility eliminated land costs for the housing. The overall aesthetic goal was to express the civic nature of the building while giving both the residential and fire department functions clear and separate identities. Placing the entrance to each major activity on a different façade allows building elements and details to be appropriate to the scale of the various functions. The fire station portion is LEED certified and the residential floors are EarthCraft certified. 

Client: City of Alexandria

Size: 169,000 SF

Completion Date: 2010

Sustainability: EarthCraft, LEED

Services: Architecture, Entitlement

Awards & Press:

  • 2010 Gold Award, Brick in Architecture, Brick Industry Association
  • 2010 Top Projects on the Eastern Seaboard, Real Estate & Construction News
  • 2009 F.I.E.R.O. Station Design Award of Honor (Gold)
  • 2009 Fire Chief Station Style Bronze Award, Shared Facilities
  • 2006 Award for Excellence in Public/Private Partnerships, U.S. Conference of Mayors
  • 2006 Award, American Planning Association


LeMay Erickson Willcox Architects


Christopher Consultants

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